Our Values and Ethics
Diversity Positive Counselling
For a long time Western psychology focused on the normal curve as a benchmark for psychological health. Under this view individuals who fell within the norm were considered healthy and psychologically sound, while those who fell outside the norm were considered unhealthy.
Newer psychological modalities (such as poly cultural counselling and "third wave" psychological theories) allow us to take a fundamentally different view of what health and wellbeing entails.
As part of this view, counsellors aim to acknowledge that human diversity is a positive and essential part of well being. Behaviours that often have stigma attached to them can be recognised for what they are - expressions of the natural diversity of the human experience.
Our aim in counselling practice with all clients and their families and partner/s is to respect the fundamental right to express an authentic way of being as a person, relationship or family unit, whatever form that expression may take.
As registered psychologists/ psychotherapists, we adhere to a strict code of ethical guidelines.
As a person coming to Imanadari, you have a right to expect that your counsellor will:
Treat you with dignity and respect
Speak to you in a way that is not derogatory or discriminatory
Behave in a way that is collaborative and non-coercive
Take reasonable steps to keep your information confidential
Only disclose information with your permission (or as part of our duty of care)
Provide you with a referral to another counsellor if you request it
If you feel that a breach of ethics has occurred you can speak directly to your counsellor to resolve the issue, request to see another counsellor, request a referral to another service, or contact AHPRA to make a complaint.
Our Commitment to Best Practice
As registered psychologists and/or professional psychotherapists, we are committed to adhering to best practice. This means that we are continually learning and updating our skills. We engage in regular supervision and professional development to ensure that you have access to evidence-based, up-to-date practice.
If there is an area of education that you think would be important for us, or about which you are curious, then let us know!
Our Commitment to the Environment
As part of our commitment to the environment all of our information and educational material is printed on 100% recycled paper, and we do our best to source our office supplies from environmentally friendly retailers. We support indigenous business where possible.